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Surround yourself with great musicians. When you're around great 2. Buy a new cymbal, piece of hardware, or drumset. Sure, it's a bit expensive, but it never fails to help get the juices flowing. 3.
Listen to great drummers on CD and Video. The more you hear, the 4. Go to drum clinics! What can I say, if you don't walk away inspired by a great clinic, then you probably shouldn't be playing. 5.
Set goals for yourself. No matter how small the goal, it 6. Take some lessons. Despite your level of experience, lessons always seem to inspire us. You will find new approaches, viewpoints, and techniques that you may have never encountered otherwise. Even the greats will often go back and study with a teacher after a long successful career. They are maintaining goals in their life and assuring continual motivation, excitement, and competitiveness. T-shirts, hats, stickers and cool stuff at..
Copyright © 1999-
DRUM BUM™ Music Gifts, Drum Accessories, Free Lessons and Drum Tabs for Drummers! Now featuring Toy Drums and Junior Kid's Drumsets. 3817 Gaskins Road, Richmond, VA 23233 USA Phone: 804 273-1353 / T-shirts & Music Gifts |